well i have just about used up all of my internet from my hotspot for the month so this blog post will be brief since it is a phone entry.
despite being exhausted from driving all the way to detroit last night, i was very productive after work today. i first made strawberry muffins using the strawberries i picked in berrien springs friday. then i walked a plate over to my landlords and some of the founders of chikaming open lands. i sat and talked with them for at least a half an hour to learn how pleasant and hospitable they are. we talked about a wide variety of topics from france to political science degrees to wine. i really enjoyed better getting to know the kind people who let me use their darling cottage.
it goes without saying that my muffins are terrific and that they liked them. i also learned that while i love the quiet solitude of my casita, i also really enjoy human interaction outside of work. i also apparently need to be pleasant to others around me. i wouldnt get even close to say that i am ass kissing to get a permanent job, but i merely wanted to exhibit good manners and thank them for their kindness.
in the end i know im a pleasant person to be around, if i want to be around you. i obviously want to be here and working in their organization so why not build a great relationship with these passionate people from different backgrounds who have congregated for the same cause, the environment. like i said this is a phone entry so sorry about misspelling, punctuation and even my capitalization button isnt working...
until next time,
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